Petuse with PawSense

Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
PawSense is a Pet-Tech device specially designed to be used for the rescue dog in the adoption center. It is to connect rescue dogs globally with possible new families even beyond the nation.

The heart rate is the common method to detect the dog's emotional state. The dog’s heart-rate changes when the dog is nervous or excited. PawSense is a harness that is equipped with a heart-rate detecting sensor that sends data and reveals the real-time heart-rate state to any smartphone using the cloud system.

This experiment aims to determine whether using technology will encourage sympathy and compassion for adopting dogs, based on the interaction with the dog’s physiological state without physical encounter. Ultimately to innovate the current rescue dog adoption process, into more effective and useful in the future digital society.

More than 100,000 dogs and cats get euthanized annually by health centers and the black market in Japan. Rescue dogs are constantly looking for new places to live. This PawSense experiment contributes to helping the abandoned animal problem and solving it by giving unrestrained access at a distance and giving global connection with a real-time cloud network.

慶應義塾大学大学院 メディアデザイン研究科
PawSenseは捨て犬養子縁組センターのために特別設計された、Pet-Techハーネスです。 日本では、毎年10万匹以上の犬や猫が、保健所や闇市によって安楽死されます。 捨て犬たちは、絶えず一緒に暮らす家族を探しています。


